Family Child Care Provider Collaboration

NJSAVE Presentation

Mount Olive Library 202 Flanders-Drakestown Rd, Flanders, NJ, United States

Come learn and ask questions about NJSAVE, an application to help low income older adults and individuals with disabilities save money on Medicare premiums, prescription costs and other living expenses. Click into event for registration information.

Colorectal Cancer Awareness

Join us for a Colorectal Cancer Awareness webinar featuring Dr. Punur from Star Community Health. Click into event for registration information.

Introducción a Word

Iglesia Presbiteriana Nuevas Fronteras 170 Watchung Avenue, North Plainfield, NJ, United States

Aprenda a crear y formatear documentos profesionales, usar plantillas y administrar archivos, y aplicar corrección de cambios en dos días. Haga clic en el evento para obtener información de registro.

NJSAVE Presentation

Montville Township Public Library 90 Horseneck Road, Montville, United States

Come learn and ask questions about NJSAVE, an application to help low income older adults and individuals with disabilities save money on Medicare premiums, prescription costs and other living expenses. Click into event for registration information.