
Grow NJ Kids Overview

Tri-County Provider’s Collaborative

Provide information about Child care assistance programs and policies, including grants. Provide information and inform the benefits of Grow NJ Kids. Solicit feedback about providers experience participating in the child care assistance program, keeps provider informed about NJCCIS and provide TA accessing the system.
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Tri-County FCC Collaborative – Spanish

Provide information about Child care assistance programs and policies, including grants. Provide information and inform the benefits of Grow NJ Kids. Solicit feedback about providers experience participating in the child care assistance program, keeps provider informed about NJCCIS and provide TA accessing the system.
Click into event for registration information


Peacemaking in the Classroom

This webinar discusses what peacemaking in the classroom looks like as we identify the importance of conflict resolution in the classroom environment. Levels 1-2; Teaching-Learning Interactions and Approaches; CDA: Supporting Children's Social and Emotional Development.

Home Based Orientation for Potential FCC and FFN

If you are interested in offering child care in your home this free training is part of your Pre Service Training and will cover what is required to become a registered Family Child Care Provider in NJ. This training is mandatory for those wishing to become Family Child Care (FCC) or Family, Friends and Neighbor (FFN) Providers.
Click into event page for registration


Grow NJ Kids Overview

In this training, participants will learn about the Quality Rating Improvement System in New Jersey, Grow NJ Kids and Pre-K Expansion. They will learn about the foundations of the program and the benefits of joining. This training is ideal for any director or provider who is considering joining the program.

CDA Informational Session

This session will cover the value of obtaining a CDA, the process to become a CDA certified educator (scholarship application and eligibility, coursework, assessment, etc.) as well as the commitment.

Click into event for registration information.


Learning Through Emergent Curriculum and Nature Play

This training will explore how early childhood educators can create meaningful learning experiences by using children’s self-directed play in an outdoor setting to inform the curriculum.

Click into event for registration information.


Just Between Us- Summer Safety

In this training, Family Childcare Providers and their staff will receive guidance and tips to a have a safe summer with the children in their care. Participants will be able to learn new ways to keep the children in their care safe during the summer weather.