Career & Life Club
Career & Life Club
Which Job is Right for Me? Presented by Jan Goodman, One Stop
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Which Job is Right for Me? Presented by Jan Goodman, One Stop
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Roughly 500 flags for annual 9/11 ceremony being held at Shappell Park. We are opening donations to sponsor a flag for 1$, all proceeds will be donated directly to the Phillipsburg Fire Department. Donations will be open the entire month of September! Click into event for donation link.
This webinar is perfect for anyone just entering the field of early education or can be a great refresher for experienced staff.
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AmeriCorps members with Norwescap will be assisting Todd Tersigni, the Mayor of Phillipsburg place roughly 500 flags for their annual 9/11 ceremony. No registration needed. This wonderful event is open to the public!
This training addresses basic concepts in fiscal and operational management. This training is grounded in the belief that strong and sustainable childcare businesses can support program initiatives aimed at improving outcomes for children.
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Computer Essentials are Here! Have you used a computer and it does “strange things”? We have created the perfect series for you to build a strong foundation using computers.
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Join us for an interactive workshop on how to get, keep it, and protect it your credit. Click into event for registration information.
Provide information about child care assistance programs and policies, including grants. Provide information and inform the benefits of Grow NJ Kids. Solicit feedback about providers experience participating in the child care assistance program, keeps provider informed about NJCCIS and provide TA accessing the system. Level 1 and 2; Program Organization and Management; CDA: Managing an Effective Program Operation
If you are interested in offering child care in your home this free training is part of your Pre Service Training and will cover what is required to become a registered Family Child Care Provider in NJ. This training is mandatory for those wishing to become Family Child Care (FCC) or Family, Friends and Neighbor (FFN) Providers.
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Proporcionar información sobre programas y reglas de asistencia para el cuidado de niños, incluyendo las becas. Brindar información e informar de los beneficios de Grow NJ Kids. Solicitar comentarios sobre la experiencia de los proveedores al participar en el programa de asistencia de cuidado infantil, mantener a los proveedores informados sobre NJCCIS y proporcionar asistencia técnica para acceder al sistema. Level 1 and 2; Program Organization and Management; CDA: Managing an Effective Program Operation
You will learn how to organize and find files, save them where they belong, copy and move files and much more.
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5k run/3k walk. Scenic 3.1 mile cross country course includes FREE t-shirt and refreshments + Prizes given out!
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Strengthening Families is a strength-based approach to working with families to increase family stability, enhance child development, and reduce child abuse and neglect by building on "Five Protective Factors." This training will be a general overview of the Five Protective Factors and the importance of building relationships with the families in your care. Level 1; Family and Community Relationships; CDA: Building Productive Relationships with Families
Learn tips and tricks for finding and saving favorite websites and pages. This is session 3 in the series.
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NEED A JOB or a NEW CAREER and have no idea what to do or where to begin??? Your SOFT SKILLS can lead you to a successful career. If you have been working unpaid in your home raising children, pets and caring for older parents, you have a long list of Soft Skills that you can tap into to start a new career.
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Join us for an interactive workshop about fraud targeted at Seniors and get the answers. Click into event for registration information.
You will learn the importance of creating a professional email account, organizing and controlling incoming emails, personalized signatures and more.
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Learn how to take advantage of the many features in your email Calendar. Never miss an appointment again!
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Join us for an interactive workshop about credit for Seniors. Click into event for registration information.
Build a foundation of computer terms and understand how the Windows operating system works. Click into event for registration information.
Mediator Anju Jessani tells us the most important Do's & Don'ts of Separation, Divorce, & Mediation for Displaced Homemakers in NJ.
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