Flemington United Methodist Church
116 Main Street, Flemington, NJ, United States
This three-session class covers Microsoft PowerPoint essentials, including text, images, videos, templates, and design customization. Click into event for registration information.
Iglesia Presbiteriana Nuevas Fronteras
170 Watchung Avenue, North Plainfield, NJ, United States
Aprenderás a organizar y encontrar archivos, guardarlos donde necesitas, copiarlos y moverlos, crear carpetas y mucho más. Haga clic en el evento para obtener información de registro.
Lincoln Park Library
12 US 202, Lincoln Park, NJ, United States
Come learn and ask questions about NJSAVE, an application to help low income older adults and individuals with disabilities save money on Medicare premiums, prescription costs and other living expenses. Click into event for registration information.
Join us for an engaging session where you will learn the different types of savings accounts, emergency savings, saving toward financial goals and more! Click into event for registration information.
Norwescap Child & Family Resource Services is offering four different sessions at your convenience to fit your schedule. Click into event for registration information.
Iglesia Presbiteriana Nuevas Fronteras
170 Watchung Avenue, North Plainfield, NJ, United States
Aprenda a crear y administrar una cuenta de correo profesional, organizar mensajes y personalizar firmas. Haga clic en el evento para obtener información de registro.
Mount Olive Library
202 Flanders-Drakestown Rd, Flanders, NJ, United States
Come learn and ask questions about NJSAVE, an application to help low income older adults and individuals with disabilities save money on Medicare premiums, prescription costs and other living expenses. Click into event for registration information.