Introducción a Excel

Docs de Google

Iglesia Presbiteriana Nuevas Fronteras 170 Watchung Avenue, North Plainfield, NJ, United States

Cree, formatee y guarde documentos en la nube con Google Drive, además de aprender a trabajar con Google Docs y traducir fácilmente. Haga clic en el evento para obtener información de registro.

Tri-County Directors’ Meeting

Join us this month where we’ll share valuable resources and insights to support your childcare program. Click into event for registration information.


Phillipsburg Housing Authority Community Room 535 Fisher Avenue, Phillipsburg, NJ, United States

This event is designed to educate and empower you to recognize and avoid common scams. Click into event for registration information.

Event Series Free Computer Classes

Microsoft Excel Advanced

Flemington United Methodist Church 116 Main Street, Flemington, NJ, United States

This one-day class is for those with Excel experience or who have completed our Introduction course. Click into event for registration information.