
How Not to Get in Debt for the Holidays! (Virtual)


New to Early Education

This 1.5 hour recorded webinar is perfect for anyone just entering the field of early care and education. It also can be a great refresher for experienced staff. We will cover topics such as: Supervision and Tracking, Developmentally Appropriate, Practice and Milestones, Interactions Positive Guidance, Professionalism, and Child-Centered Learning. Participants can access webinar for up to 2 weeks.
Click into event for registration information.


Healthy Eating on a Budget

Mount Olive Library 202 Flanders-Drakestown Rd, Flanders

This workshop will provide you with tips, trick and information on how to save and eat healthy at the grocery store. Presented by Weis.
RSVP 908-521-4220 or
