
Parent Orientation and Parent Café

Distinguishing Behavior: Expected, Challenging, Concerning, or Unsafe?

We know and expect that children bring a variety of behaviors into your programs every day. However, sometimes behavior goes beyond what we expect and causes concern or might be unsafe. This webinar will help you learn to distinguish between developmentally expected, challenging, concerning, and unsafe behavior. We will discuss strategies to respond effectively to behavior and learn to support children to help make positive changes.
Click into event page for registration


Home Based Orientation for Potential FCC and FFN

If you are interested in offering child care in your home this free training is part of your Pre Service Training and will cover what is required to become a registered Family Child Care Provider in NJ. This training is mandatory for those wishing to become Family Child Care (FCC) or Family, Friends and Neighbor (FFN) Providers.
Click into event page for registration


First Time Home Buyers Workshop

Learn the ins and outs of becoming a first time home buyer. Click event to get registration information.


Tri-County Provider’s Collaborative

Provide information about Child care assistance programs and policies, including grants. Provide information and inform the benefits of Grow NJ Kids. Solicit feedback about providers experience participating in the child care assistance program, keeps provider informed about NJCCIS and provide TA accessing the system.
Click into event page for registration


Tri-County FCC Collaborative – Spanish

Provide information about Child care assistance programs and policies, including grants. Provide information and inform the benefits of Grow NJ Kids. Solicit feedback about providers experience participating in the child care assistance program, keeps provider informed about NJCCIS and provide TA accessing the system.
Click into event for registration information


Why LinkedIn?

Did you know employers are looking for you on social media? LinkedIn is an essential tool in your career toolbox. LinkedIn is more than just a copy of your resume, it’s a great source of information about the job market, trends and connect with others in your industry. Click event for more information on how to register.


Hoarding & Collecting

House Mess? Come Learn How to Get Help for Hoarding/Collecting, & More with expert Terry Shulman founder of the Shulman Center. To register call 908-788-1453
