Four Ways You Can Help Right Now

With so many of us holed up in quarantine and the news becoming more dire by the hour, the urge to do something, anything, can be overwhelming. The question is: What? This is uncharted territory in so many respects, including the emergency response. Needs are evolving on an hourly basis, and no one can say with any certainty when anything close to normalcy will return.

But, as is true during any other time, every donation holds the potential to make a difference. So, if you’re interested in helping, contact a nonprofit you’ve supported before or one that you’re fond of and ask what you can do. Here are some suggestions.


Volunteering is an easy entry point into philanthropy, particularly in these cash-strapped times. Not to sound too Bryan Mills (Taken), but each of us has a particular set of skills that could be quite valuable in helping to facilitate a nonprofit’s mission, especially when the need is as large as it’s expected to be.

Enlist your employer

How could your monetary donation grow two to five times in size without adding another dollar of your own money to it? By submitting it to your company’s matching gift program. Generally, all you have to do to request a matching gift from an employer is provide proof of your donation. If you’re not sure how to go about it, ask someone in the human resources department. They’ll point you in the right direction.

Take advantage of your IRA

The IRA Charitable Rollover enables people who are 70-and-a-half and older to donate to nonprofits directly from their IRA, without the withdrawal counted as taxable income. To qualify, donations must come from a traditional IRA or Roth IRA, and they must be made directly to a public charity. You can’t receive anything in return for the donation, aside from a receipt, which you’ll need for your records.

Raid your pantry and closets

With the unemployment rate soaring, many people are already turning to food pantries and shelters for the first time in their lives. Before raiding your own pantry and closets, call ahead and ask what’s needed. Storage is likely to be limited, so they’re going to want things that can be used now.  

For the last 55 years, NORWESCAP has been helping to support low-income families and individuals across Northwest New Jersey. Today, as our region and country face the threat from COVID-19, that commitment is stronger than ever.
If you’re looking for opportunities to volunteer, donate materials, or otherwise support NORWESCAP’s work during this crisis, call MaryBeth Ringo at 848-459-5882 or email her at Monetary donations may be made here.


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