Norwescap News

Back to School with Norwescap Head Start: Little Voices, Big Dreams

As September ushers in the back-to-school season, our social media feeds are all fluttering with pictures of excited children, backpacks slung over their shoulders, and smiles stretching from ear to ear. At Norwescap, we join in this joyful chorus, but we have an extra reason to celebrate – our incredible Head Start and Early Head Start programs.

These programs are more than just educational initiatives; they are nurturing environments where young minds blossom. To capture the essence of what makes our Head Start students excited about coming back to school, we asked them a simple question: “What do you love most about coming back to school?” Their answers, as you’ll soon discover, are as heartwarming as they are adorable. Quotes are from our 3 and 4 year old students. (Photos are not matched to the child being quoted)

Angelise – “Playing with toys” 

For Angelise, the allure of school lies in the promise of playtime. It’s not just any play, but the kind of imaginative, creative play that only childhood can conjure. In the world of Head Start, toys become tools for learning, and every moment is an opportunity to explore, grow, and have fun. 

Unique – “I like to play with my friends.” 

Unique’s response highlights the importance of social connections in early childhood. At Norwescap, we recognize that learning is a social endeavor. Building friendships and learning to work and play together are fundamental aspects of our programs. Its where lifelong bonds are formed.

Jack – “I like to go on the bus.” 

Jack’s excitement is evident when he talks about the school bus. For many children, the school bus is a magical vessel that transports them to a world of knowledge and adventure. It’s a symbol of independence and a journey toward new horizons. 

Izahna – “I like to go on the BIG playground.” 

Izahna’s excitement for the big playground is contagious. It’s not just about physical activity; it’s about discovering the world, making friends, and developing a sense of self. Our Head Start programs offer safe and engaging outdoor spaces where children can grow, explore, and make lasting memories. 

Jaxson – “Play cars!”

Jaxson’s love for school is intertwined with his passion for play cars. In our Head Start programs, play is an essential part of the curriculum. It’s through play that children develop crucial skills like problem-solving, teamwork, and creativity. Jaxson’s enthusiasm reminds us that learning is a joyful adventure.   

Bella – “I like to play on the carpet” 

When Bella points out ‘the carpet’ for playtime, this showcases the diverse learning environments we provide. Whether it’s the classroom carpet for group activities or the cozy reading corner, our Head Start programs offer a rich tapestry of experiences that cater to each child’s unique needs. 

Noah – “I like to play everything I want to.” 

Noah’s answer is a testament to the freedom and autonomy children experience in our Head Start classrooms. It’s a place where their interests are honored, and they are encouraged to explore and learn at their own pace. In this supportive environment, the possibilities are endless. 

Join Us in Celebrating a Bright Future  

These heartwarming responses from our Head Start students remind us of the magic that happens within our programs. It’s a place where play is purposeful, where learning is fun, and where children are nurtured in mind, body, and spirit.

As we celebrate the back-to-school season, let’s also celebrate the incredible work being done by Norwescap and our dedicated educators. Together, we are creating a brighter future for the youngest members of our community, one joyful moment at a time. 

Supporting Norwescap Head Start 

If you’d like to support our Head Start and Early Head Start programs, consider volunteering, donating, or sharing our story. Together, we can continue to provide a nurturing environment where children can dream, play, and learn. 

Thank you for being a part of the Norwescap family. Here’s to a new school year filled with boundless opportunities and dreams realized. 

by Dawn Hartfelder – updated 9/13/2023


Dawn Hartfelder

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